Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tell 'Em Large Marge Sent Ya ! by Mike Moran

I always loved this scene...

Testing tesitng....

Hey, thank you for the invite to be a contributor!
I enjoy this weekly art group very much and I appreciate the offer sirs.
Alright... just trying this out. It either posts or blows up the entire interweb as we know it.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Nightwing by Jess Kirby

I never was a huge fan of Nightwing, I feel he's the hipster of the group. Either way, I drew this with marker and dooded it up a bit in Photoshop.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nightwing by Mike Moran

I loved the look of Nightwing on the Batman Animated series so that is what I went with. :-)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

nightwing By: Aaron walls

Another 100% freehand photoshop job. feel free to check out some more of my stuff at my blog

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Joker Venom

Since I haven't posted anything on Comic Art Alliance for a while, I decided to combine two. • @krakadoom

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dracula by Michael Powell

Green Arrow by Jess Kirby

The Green Arrow is one of my all time favourite characters so I made sure to take my time with this one. It's all ink and some effects done in photoshop, or paintshop I don't remember which one I used.  Here's the original all ink, no effects. 
I like them both, but this one I forgot to draw in his right eye.  Oops! Sorry about that Oliver.

Friday, July 1, 2011