Monday, June 6, 2016

Liberty Belle

Libby Lawrence as Liberty Belle, super heroine with enhanced speed, strength and stamina.
I actually know a girl named Liberty Belle. She was born in 1976 and her parents thought they were pretty clever. She's a medical doctor now.  Anywho, this was all done digitally with the el cheapo version of Photoshop that comes "free" with computers these days. I really don't like doing digital work but it was fun seeing what I could do with the basic version of PS.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

All-Star Come Back

It's definitely been awhile but we thought we'd try to bring back the fun with a weekly prompt for entries.  We welcome everyone to come back and participate and any new comers are welcome too. Any skill level, any medium we just ask that it be on topic. This week we're doing the All-Star Squadron, so choose any member of the All-Star Squadron and share your work.
The All-Star Squadron first appeared in 1981 in Justice League of America #193.  It was created by Jerry Ordway, Roy Thomas and Rich Buckler.
The DC Comics Encyclopedia lists these characters as the members of the All-Star Squadron

  1. The Atom
  2. Amazing Man
  3. Johnny Thunder
  4. Dr. Fate
  5. Green Lantern
  6. Plastic Man
  7. Robotman
  8. Liberty Belle
  9. Firebrand
  10. Steel
  11. Guardian
  12. Hourman
  13. Tarantula
  14. Hawkgirl
  15. Hawkman
  16. Shining Knight
Posting period is June 4 -11.  Have fun! 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014



This Weeks's Theme Is....

Moving on down the alphabet, let's go with any character that starts with the letter B. Have fun with it!


Annnnndyyyyyyy! This was an experiment. I used acrylic ink, watercolour and pen. I hadn't planned on using the pen but needed to after the water colour was too opaque and covered up the ink wash.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sunday, June 22, 2014

It's Been Awhile

Hey, it's been awhile since anyone's posted.  There has been talk of some getting rusty and needing to get back in the swing of things, so why not revive this place? Let's start out easy and start out by going down the alphabet and then you guys can suggest characters/themes as we go along.
This week post up any character that starts with the letter A.
It can be comic book, cartoon, TV, movie or one of your own creations. If you're unable to post just leave a comment or send an e-mail to get added so you can post here.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013


Krampus probably should have been last week since Krampusnacht was Dec. 6, but better late than never and it's never too late you make your Krampuskarten! Don't know who Krampus is? Here's a site with some general info Post 'em if you got 'em!

Godzilla by Jess Kirby

It's an omen! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The First Victim

There's always that guy in the office that has no clue of what is going on.  Godzilla calls them a light snack.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Godzilla for the week of December 1-7

For your drawing pleasure, this week is none other than Gozilla. Post em if you got em!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

November Posts

Sorry for the lack of posts again. Please feel free to post whatever you want to share this month. Next month we'll be back with regular topics. If you've got any characters you really want to do drop us a line, leave a comment, or tweet us with suggestions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Mummy

Pentel brush pen on recycled bristol. You never know what that mummy's going to get up to.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Creature

Pentel brush pen on recycled bristol. He's such a fun character to make fun of. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Beacon News

We want to congratulate Byron Wilkins on this great interview, he deserves it, he's a great artist and is always willing to help others.  Unfortunately the article made a mistake and put in the Comic Art Alliance instead of the Webcomic Alliance.
Here is a link to the Webcomic Alliance  There you will also find his fun comic 1977.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Son of Satan

It's October already? This month let's stick with the Halloween theme and do any horror themed characters that you'd like and post as often as you want. If you're wanting to post and need permission, just drop us a line. 
I'll get it started with my Son of Satan scribble. This is ink, marker and photoshop filter (plastic wrap).

Friday, September 27, 2013


Kind of a generic western scene, just trying to get caught up. Charcoal on newsprint and crappy camera phone.

Teen Titans Wonder Girl

Old school Wonder Girl. Charcoal and chalk on newsprint.

Peanuts Lucy

Lucy at her finest. Charcoal/chalk on newsprint.

Dragon's Lair

Charcoal/chalk on newsprint. I don't remember much about Dragon's Lair other than I was horrible at the video game and in the cartoon he always made the goofiest faces.


Sinestro in charcoal. Sorry for the crappy photo, charcoal doesn't mix well with a scanner so this is via my camera on my phone.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Sorta Double dipped on this due to lack of time for the July theme's so here goes "M" is for Mephisto who happens to be magical and for the triple dip though not necessarily showcased here he has a heck of a cape.

And you can check out some of my other not always comic work along with other interesting tidbits from both myself and my wife at Off the Wall Design

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August Themes

 Week 1 (sorry it's late but you can post whenever) Your favourite DC super-villain. 
 Week 2 Your favourite Dragon's Lair Character. 
 Week 3 Your favourite, or least favourite Peanuts character. 
 Week 4 Teen Titans. 
Week 5 Western characters, Yeehaawww!
No giddyup and get to it.

Mr. Mxyzptlk

And the award for cheesiest villain goes to......kltpzyxm. rm

One Eyed Willy

One Eyed Willy still rocking the eye patch years after he's been dead. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Felix Faust

Felix Faust for character with magic powers. I ran out of gas with this one. The stupid blue pencil kept breaking so I threw in the towel. Also my dirty scanner gave Felix a beauty mark. It's a nice little touch.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

July Themes

 Start out the month of July with any hero who happens to also be an animal. (non-human animals for those of you smarty pants).
 July 7-13 any character with magical powers.
 July 14-20 any character with a magnificent cape. Or a crappy cape, your choice.
 July 21-27 any character with an eye patch. Arrrrrrr!
July 28-31 any character that starts with the letter "M". 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Launchpad McQuack

Did anyone else wonder why a duck would need to fly a plane? I gave him duck lips because I believe he would be the one to make such a face while taking a selfie. Copic marker on newsprint.


 Archie showing off his school spirit! 


Copic markers on crappy sketchbook paper.  

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Danger Mouse ala Hanna-Barbera Style

So, what if Danger Mouse had been created by Hanna-Barbera?  This is what he'd look like more than likely.  This is my submission for Heroes with letters on their chests.  And who better than good ol'd DM?  Yeah, baby... 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Dastardly Mustache

A little Dick Dastardly with his thin mustache getting explosive with Muttley. This is from the short-lived 1969 "Flying Machines" Hanna Barbera cartoon series.

Monday, June 3, 2013

June 2013 Themes

Week of June 2-8 Give us your best comic book character with a moustache. It can be any character so long as he, maybe she, has a moustache.
Week of June 9-15 Any comic book character that has a letter on their chest. 
Week of June 16-22 Any comic book character that can fly. Weeeee!
Week of June 23-29 Any character with a sword. YAAAAAAAA!